1What does Spanish Immersion mean?

Immersion simply means, being surrounded by a language so it can be absorbed naturally.  Children have an innate ability to learn language by hearing it spoken to them or around them.  In our Spanish immersion environment, children are surrounded by the Spanish language and they learn it through the natural interactions of school activities and social experiences.  In this environment, communication happens spontaneously and conversation is key!

2My child does not know any Spanish. Won't they be confused?

Our program is designed for English speaking children.  However, we welcome, end encourage, children who already use the Spanish language in their homes to be a part of our school.

Our teachers are native Spanish speakers who also speak English.  We start the school year speaking both Spanish and English, so that the children understand the rules and expectations, and get to know their teachers.  After this introduction period, a smooth transition to Spanish-only is easy and fun.

To help children feel comfortable and confident, our teachers “act out” what they are saying and use visual materials as cues.  The kids love this and love to join in.  If a teacher doubts a child understands something, they will briefly explain it in English, and then continue in Spanish, to be sure that no child is lost or confused.

3What is your curriculum?

Our proprietary curriculum was developed by a team of Texas-based educators, and uses a hands-on approach to learning.  Lesson plans focus on developing literacy skills, pre-math and science skills, gross motor coordination, creativity and expression, socialization skills and more.

4How can I help my child at home if I only speak English?

Each month you will receive a calendar with various themes and key vocabulary.  We encourage you to ask your child more information about themes in English and Spanish.  They will often be happy to teach you, especially the songs they have been singing.  Reading English books on related topics is another way to share in their learning.  Encourage your child to use his or her new language when eating out, at the store or when making new friends that are Spanish speakers.

5How long will it take my child to begin speaking Spanish?

All children develop and learn at different rates.  In general, the pattern is similar to how the child learned their first language.  During the first year, the child builds a base vocabulary, learns the patterns of the language and understands 80-100% of the spoken language.  They may begin using single words and short phrases, and will likely sing the songs they have learned in school.

During the second year, the child adds vocabulary and begins to use the language naturally, responding and participating in class in Spanish.

After two -three years of exposure, they typically begin to think in Spanish without translation, communicate their thoughts, and carry on a conversation in a native accent.

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